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[Historia naturalis]

Pliny, the Elder. Johann, of Speier, d. 1470. printer 84191 Plinius Secundus Nouocomensis equestribus militiis industriȩ functus, procurationes quoq[ue] splendidissimas atq[ue] continuas summa integritate administrauit... [Venice: Johannes de Spira, before 18 Sept. 1469] [712] p.; 42 cm. (fol.) F

A collection of antique vases, altars, pateræ, tripods, candelabra, sarcophagi, &c. from various museums and collections, engraved on 170 plates / by Henry Moses. With historical essays.

Moses, Henry, 1782?-1870, engr. Baber, Henry Hervey, 1775-1869. 99384 Moses' antique vases [London]: H.G. Bohn, [1814] xii, 61, [1] p.: ill., 150 (i.e. 151) pl. 23 cm. N5615 The historical essays are by H.H. Baber. cf. Brit. Mus. Catalogue. Engraved t.p. with ornamental border. Date of

R. Blaschka [sketchbook].

Blaschka, Rudolf, 1857-1939. 87384 Sketchbook [1892] 1 v. (ca. 80 p.): ill.; 11 x 18 cm. R-641 Beginning sketch is captioned "... Tempe, Arizona, 22. April 1892". Sketches of desert country. Most of the pages are blank and are not filmed. A few pages of laid in sketches of islands with

Davidson's patent: primrose, blue pearline.

Geo. Davidson & Co., Gateshead-on-Tyne, England. 87531 Primrose, blue pearline [Gateshead-on-Tyne: Geo. Davidson & Co., n.d., 1895-1898?] p. 5-28: ill.; 28 cm. Davidson, Geo., & Co. Trade catalog. Cover title. Ware includes mustards, salts, piano stands, baskets, lemon squeezers, creams

[De antiquitate Judaica; De bello Judaico].

Josephus, Flavius. Josephus, Flavius. De bello Judaico. Latin. Schüssler, Johann, fl. 1470-1473. Rufinus, of Aquileia, 345-410. 94259 De bello Judaico Incipit ([2a]): Iosephi historiog[ra]phi viri clarissimi prologus in libros antiquitatum vigi[n]ti incipit feliciter Incipit ([202a]): Iosephi de

Pâtes de verre.

92264 Vol. 4-5: Pâte de verre Carnets Pâtes de verre [ca. 1912-1919] 7 notebooks: ill.; 15 cm. TP859.1 Cover title. "Carnet" printed on cover of each notebook; multiplication tables from 2 through 10 printed on back covers. The first five notebooks contain experimental results of making

Nouveau tarif du prix des glaces, 1791.

Manufacture royale des glaces de France (Saint-Gobain) Associés de la manufacture des glaces. 99253 À Paris: Chez Prault, imprimeur du Roi..., 1791. [4], 84 p.; 16 cm. TP860 "Le prix est de quarante sols, broché." Mostly tables. Tables for the price of sheets of glass of different

No. 82 [catalog].

Christoph Palme & Co., Rheinbach/Bonn, Germany. 95843 69 unnumbered leaves: illustrations (some col.); 27 x 36 cm Palme, Christoph, & Co., Rheinbach/Bonn, West Germany. Cover title. Catalog is not dated, suggested date provided by previous owner. Ware numbers are in consecutive order

Tōn Diōnos Rōmaikōn historiōn eikositria biblia = Dionis Romanarum historiarum libri XXIII, à XXXVI ad LVIII vsque.

Cassius Dio Cocceianus. Estienne, Robert, 1503?-1559, printer. 97550 Dionis Romanarum historiarum libri XXIII, à XXXVI ad LVIII usque Lutetiae: Ex officina Rob. Stephani..., 1548. [8], 498, [2] p.; 34 cm. F-67 Text in Greek. Greek title romanized. Edited by Robert Estienne. Includes some


Blaschka, Leopold, 1822-1895. 94604 Lieferungsbuch 1883-1893 1 v. (unpaged); 22 cm. Blaschka Archives, Box 24, Folder "Notebook: Lieferungs-Buch 1883-1892" Cover title. A record of filled orders for sea creatures and plants, with the specific numbers of models sent. Includes 1883

[Sketches of illustrations from] Zoologia danica: sev Animalium Daniae et Norvegiae, Volumen primum, Volumen secundum, austore Otto Friedrich Müller.

Blaschka, Leopold, 1822-1895. Müller, Otto Frederik, 1730-1784. Zoologia danica. 97763 Zoologia danica [n.d., between 1863-1890?] 1 v.: ill. (some col.); 21 cm. Blaschka Archives, Box 24 Notebook containing sketches done by Leopold Blaschka from Müller's 1788 publication Zoologia danica.

René Lalique: sculptor in glass.

Woodward & Lothrop. 80268 Washington: Woodward & Lothrop, [1935] [8] p.: port.; 28 cm. NK5198.L1 Cover title. Digitized by Boston Photo Imaging April 2013. Image of portrait included in the exhibition titled Designing for a new century: works on paper by Lalique and his contemporaries, held

De bello Judaico / Josephus.

Josephus, Flavius. 97641 [ca. 1200] 124 leaves; 34 cm. PA4222 Manuscript on vellum with illuminated initials. Label copy from the 1950s: The glass sands of the Belus. From his country estate in Judaea, given him by Emperor Vespasian, the Jewish historian Josephus could view at first hand the

The J.J. Niland Company: rich cut glass.

J.J. Niland Co., Meriden, CT, USA. 80020 Rich cut glass J.J. Niland Co.: manufacturers of rich cut glass Meriden, Conn.: J. J. Niland Co., [1913] [25] p.: ill.; 28 x 39 cm. Niland, J. J. Co. Trade catalog. "The J.J. Niland Company "The house of quality". These illustrations show our

Lead isotopes in ancient coins / Robert H. Brill and William R. Shields.

Brill, Robert H. Shields, William R., 1926- Methods of chemical and metallurgical investigation of ancient coinage 1972, pp. [279]-303. 86724 Oxford, Eng.: Oxford University Press, 1972. p. [279]-303: ill.; 25 cm. QD181.P3 Cover title. "Reprinted from Methods of chemical and metallurgical

Secret formulae for making glass: with original drawings.

Boston Crown Glass Co. Cotter, Edmund Joseph. 97503 Boston, 1811-1812. 58 p.: ill.; 20 cm. TP857.12 Title from slipcase. Batch book. Handwritten (in multiple hands), with hand-drawn illustrations. Includes recipes from Mt. Vernon Glass Factory by Edmund Joseph Cotter; from Deerfield Glass Factory,

De situ orbis [manuscsript] / Guarini Veronensis in Strabonis cretensis libros ad Nicolaum Qui[n]tu[m] pontifice[m] maximu[s] praepato.

Strabo. Guarino, Veronese, 1374-1460, tr. 97140 [ca. 1465] [320] leaves; 42 cm. G87 Translated by Guarinus Veronensis. Manuscript on paper. Initial capital letters are lacking. Manuscript was flooded in 1972. Frozen, freeze-dried at the Library of Congress. Original stamped leather cover removed

[Photographic album].

Blaschka, Leopold, 1822-1895. Blaschka, Rudolf, 1857-1939. 87385 [Dresden: Blaschka, n.d.] 1 v.: 16 photographs; 27 cm. R-641 Green velvet cover with pewter floral spray and clasp. First image is Leopold Blaschka as an elderly man. First space for photograph is empty; there are 16 photographs in

Cat. VI.: 25.

Carl Hosch (Firm), Haida, Czech Republic. 94452 Haida, Czechoslovakia: Carl Hosch (Firm), [1912] pl. 183-222.: col. ill.; 39 cm. Hosch, Carl (Firm) Trade catalog. Cover title. Index in front. Catalog is not dated, suggested date provided by researcher Deborah Truitt. First page of catalog

Mvseo Cospiano: annesso a qvello del famoso Vlisse Aldrovandi e donato alla sua patria dall'illustrissimo Signor Ferdinando Cospi / Descrizione di Lorenzo Legati Cremonese.

Legati, Lorenzo, d. 1675. Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 1522-1605? 97655 Museo Cospiano: annesso a quello del famoso Ulisse Aldrovandi... Bologna: Per Giacomo Monti, 1677. [20] p., 532 p.: ill., fold. pl., port.; 34 cm. QH41 Title in red and black; title vignette. Includes scientific instruments and

Adress u. N. Preis Verzeichniss.

Blaschka, Leopold, 1822-1895. 97760 Adress-Preis Verzeichniss [1866-1872] 1 v.: ill.; 21 cm. R-838 Small blue handwritten notebook containing addresses, prices, sketches, etc. Includes one partial page of sketches labeled "Radularien u. Haeckel". Various informal entries are related to

F. & C. Osler, Calcutta.

F. & C. Osler (Firm), Birmingham, England. 92821 [Birmingham]: F. & C. Osler, [n.d., 1876-1885?] [59] p., [58] leaves: ill. (some col.); 37 cm. Osler, F. & C., Birmingham, England. Trade catalog. Cover title. Includes prices. Title embossed on front cover. Descriptive information about

Aristophanous Kōmōdiai ennea = Aristophanis Comoediae novem.

Aristophanes. Mousouros, Markos, ca. 1470-1517, ed. 96927 Kōmōdiai ennea Aristophanis Comoediae novem Venice: Aldus Manutius, Romanus, 15 July (Id. Quint.) 1498. [348] leaves; 33 cm. (fol.) PA3875 Title-page, including contents, in Greek and Latin; text and scholia in Greek. Edited by Marcus

[Catalog pages of decorated drinking ware].

Carl Werner (Firm), Heidelberg, Germany. 86413 Heidelberg: Carl Werner (Firm), [n.d., 1905-1914?] 3 unnumbered folded pages: illustrations; 25 x 33 cm Werner, Carl, (Firm), Heidelberg, Germany. Three separate catalog pages: Taf. 1 includes decanter sets, stemware and röemers, most with crests; Taf

1908 [lighting catalog].

Magyar fe̕m- e̕s la̕mpaa̕ru-gya̕r re̕szve̕nyta̕rsasa̕g, Budapest, Hungary. 95949 Budapest, Hungary: Magyar fe̕m- e̕s la̕mpaa̕ru-gya̕r re̕szve̕nyta̕rsasa̕g, 1908. [322] p.: ill.; 37 cm. Magyar fe̕m- e̕s la̕mpaa̕ru-gya̕r re̕szve̕nyta̕rsasa̕g Trade catalog. Cover title. Index in front. Catalog of

Saggi di naturali esperienze / fatte nell'Accademia del cimento sotto la protezione del serenissimo principe Leopoldo di Toscana e descritte del segretario di essa Accademia.

Accademia del cimento (Florence, Italy) Magalotti, Lorenzo, conte, 1637-1712. 95594 Saggi di natvrali esperienze Firenze: Per Giuseppe Cocchini all'Insegna della Stella, 1666 [i.e. 1667] [11], 269, [16] p.: ill., port.; 35 cm. F-5097 The dedication to Ferdinando II is dated 14 luglio 1667 and

Bottles and glassware.

Dan W. Zeber (Firm), Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 93131 Bar goods Pittsburgh, Pa.: Dan W. Zeber (Firm), [n.d., 1896-1910?] 287 p.: ill.; 25 cm. Zeber, Dan W. (Firm) Trade catalog. Cover title. Zeber is a wholesaler, not a glass manufacturer. Catalog is not dated, suggested date only. Page 40 offers a

Catalogue des productions industrielles qui seront exposées dans la grande cour du Louvre, pendant les cinq jours complémentaires de l'an 9; avec les noms, départemens [sic] et demeures des manufacturiers et artistes admis à l'Exposition.

Exposition des produits de l'industrie francaise (2nd: 1801: Paris, France) 88828 Seconde exposition publique des produits de l'industrie française, jours complémentaires an 9 Paris: Imp. de la République, fructidor an IX [i.e. 1801]. 36 p.; 20 cm. T799 1801 At head of title:

Rapport fait au Jury central de l'Exposition des produits de l'industrie française, de l'année 1823: sur les objets relatifs à la métallurgie, et augmenté de quelques annotations / par A.M. Héron de Villefosse...

Héron de Villefosse, Antoine-Marie, baron, 1774-1852. Annales des mines t. 8, 1823, pp. 649-788. 88383 Sur les produits métallurgiques de l'industrie française, en 1823 Paris: impr. Madame Huzard, 1823. 140 p.; 22 cm. T799 1823 Extrait des: "Annales des mines", t. 8, 1823, p. 649

Mappæ clavicula: a manuscript treatise on the preparation of pigments, and on various processes of the decorative arts practised during the Middle Ages / communicated to the Society of Antiquaries by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart., F.R.S., F.S.A., in a letter addressed to Albert Way, Esq., director.

Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872. Way, Albert, 1805-1874. Society of Antiquaries of London. Archaeologia: or Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity v. 32, pp. 183-244. 97193 Mappæ clavicula: a treatise on the preparation of pigments during the Middle Ages [London?: s.n], 1847 (London: Printed
